Shree RamRaje College of Physiotherapy offers diverse & unparalleled learning opportunities to the students.

Along with the curricular – academic options, the students develop a multitude of various cultural, social, wellness & recreational initiative.

Such activities are made with an intent to help the students reach their full potential.

  • Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis Lab
  • Therapeutic Gymnasium & Kinesiotherapy Lab
  • Exercise Physiology & Fitness Lab
  • Yoga / Cinical Skills Lab
  • Computer Lab
  • Laboratories
  • Canteen
  • Conference Room
  • Student’s Common Room
  • Van Facilities
  • Auditorium



Out Patient Department (OPD)

The college has well ventilated, spacious OPD located on ground floor for the easy access and convenience of the patients. The OPD is equipped with necessary equipment providing best physiotherapeutic management including prognostic and therapeutic functions for timely screening and interventions. Neurological conditions like Hemiplegia, Parkinsons, Cerebral Palsy, GullianBarre Syndromme etc, Musculoskeletal disorders like joint pain, back & neck pain, Rheumatoid arthritis, sprain, sports injury, tennis elbow etc are treated here. Other important services are antenatal & postnatal exercises, cardiac and respiratory, pre and post-surgical conditions etc. are also rehabilitated in our OPD.

Our students are thought to provide holistic approach in improving quality of life of the patients.

Clinical Attachments

To promote further learning exposure, experience & expertise in the areas of health services & Management our College has ensured attachments with other primary & tertiary level health care centers as:

  1. Subdistrict Hospital Dapoli
  2. Various other specialty hospital

Student Council

Every year the student council is elected and formed by the students. The General Secretary of the council is nominated by the elected members.

Election happens for the following posts.

  • General Secretary:-
  • Cultural Secretary:-
  • Sports secretary:-


Our students get opportunity to participate in various sports events organized by our college. Our students from other departments have also participated in various sport events organized at District Level and represented the college.

College Fest

Every year annually sports and cultural events are organized-

It is a great platform for the students to show their creativity and enthusiasm in extra-curricular activities.